学术会议有:2023年ICA阿布扎比大会、第九届信息管理国际会议(ICIM 2023)。
An assessment of human resource capabilities in supporting digital records preservation: a case of RAMD and RITA, Tanzania
期刊:Records Management Journal(2022年11月在线发表)
引文格式:Daniel, J. and Ndumbaro, F. (2022), “An assessment of human resource capabilities in supporting digital records preservation: a case of RAMD and RITA, Tanzania”, Records Management Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Human resource capability is an important factor in determining institutional capacities in digital records preservation. This study aims to assess human resource capabilities in supporting digital records preservation in Tanzania, with special reference to the Records and Archives Management Department (RAMD) and Registration, Insolvency and Trusteeship Agency (RITA).
This study employed a descriptive case study design with multiple cases to generate insights into the topic under inquiry. Simple random and purposive sampling methods were used to select study respondents. Data were collected using questionnaires, interviews and documentary review. Qualitative data collected were subjected to content analysis, whereas quantitative data were analysed using international business machine-corporation-statistical packages and service solution.
RAMD and RITA have minimal human resource capabilities, as they contend with a shortage of qualified staff and technical personnel for digital records preservation. The shortage of funds, lack of management commitment to preserving digital records, lack of staff awareness on digital records preservation and inadequate participation of records practitioners in digital records preservation emerged as pressing challenges the two agencies contended with.
【Practical implications】
This study’s recommendations include finding alternative sources of funding, employing digital records specialists and provision of training on digital records preservation. Furthermore, this study proposes a framework that institutions can use in assessing human resource capabilities for digital records preservation.
This study contributes new knowledge and insights on the role of human resource capabilities in supporting digital records preservation in a resource-poor country.
Human resource capabilities;Digital records preservation;Minimal capabilities;Optimal capabilities;RAMD;RITA
The impact of the shift to cloud computing on digital recordkeeping practices at the University of Michigan Bentley historical library
期刊:Archival Science(2022年6月在线发表)
引文格式:Pillen, D., Eckard, M. The impact of the shift to cloud computing on digital recordkeeping practices at the University of Michigan Bentley historical library. Arch Sci (2022).
Abstract:Cloud-based productivity, collaboration, and storage tools offer increased opportunities for collaboration and potential cost-savings over locally hosted solutions and have seen widespread adoption throughout industry, government, and academia over the last decade. While these tools benefit organizations, IT departments, and day-to-day-users, they present unique challenges for records managers and archivists. As a review of the relevant literature demonstrates, issues surrounding cloud computing are not limited to the technology—although the implementation and technological issues are numerous—but also include organization management, human behavior, regulation, and records management, making the process of archiving digital information in this day and age all the more difficult. This paper explores some of the consequences of this shift and its effect on digital recordkeeping at the Bentley Historical Library, whose mission is to “collect the materials for the University of Michigan.” After providing context for this problem by discussing relevant literature, two practicing archivists will explore the impact of the move toward cloud computing as well as various productivity software and collaboration tools in use at U-M throughout the various stages of a standard lifecycle model for managing records.
Records management;Cloud computing;Appraisal;University archives
期刊:Records Management Journal,2022, 32(3):288-320.
引文格式:Salmanizadeh, F., Ameri, A., Ahmadian, L., Mirmohammadi, M. and Khajouei, R. (2022), “Determining the requirements of a medical records electronic deficiency management system: a mixed-method study”, Records Management Journal, Vol. 32 No. 3, pp. 288-320.
尽管目前已有电子病案系统,但许多国家仍使用传统的纸质方法来记录数据和消除病案缺陷(译者注:medical record deficiency,病案缺陷,为专有名词。),浪费病人和医院的资源。本研究的目的在于评估传统的缺陷管理系统,并明确在同时使用纸质记录和电子医院信息系统的背景下,电子缺陷管理系统的构建需求。
Despite the presence of electronic medical records systems, traditional paper-based methods are often used in many countries to document data and eliminate medical record deficiencies. These methods waste patient and hospital resources. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the traditional deficiency management system and determine the requirements of an electronic deficiency management system in settings that currently use paper records alongside electronic hospital information systems.
This mixed-method study was performed in three phases. First, the traditional process of medical records deficiency management was qualitatively evaluated. Second, the accuracy of identifying deficiencies by the traditional and redesigned checklists was compared. Third, the requirements for an electronic deficiency management system were discussed in focus group sessions.
Problems in the traditional system include inadequate guidelines, incomplete procedures for evaluating sheets and subsequent delays in activities. Problems also included the omission of some vital data elements and a lack of feedback about the documentation deficiencies of each documenter. There was a significant difference between the mean number of deficiencies identified by traditional and redesigned checklists (p < 0.0001). The authors proposed an electronic deficiency management system based on redesigned checklists with improved functionalities such as discriminating deficiencies based on the documenter’s role, providing systematic feedback and generating automatic reports.
Previous studies only examined the positive effect of audit and feedback methods to enhance the documentation of data elements in electronic and paper medical records. The authors propose an electronic deficiency management system for medical records to solve those problems. Health-care policymakers, hospital managers and health information systems developers can use the proposed system to manage deficiencies and improve medical records documentation.
Medical record;Documenters;Documentation;Deficiencies;Health information system (HIS);Audit and feedback
Electronic health records using a resource advantage theory perspective: an interdisciplinary literature review
期刊:Records Management Journal,2022, 32(2):126-150.
引文格式:Malhan, A., Manuj, I., Pelton, L. and Pavur, R. (2022), “Electronic health records using a resource advantage theory perspective: an interdisciplinary literature review”, Records Management Journal, Vol. 32 No. 2, pp. 126-150.
沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)曾断言,美国企业和经济面临的最大问题是不断上升的医疗成本,其占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例已升至17%。公共政策制定者、医疗服务提供者和其他利益相关方都必须努力控制成本,提高医疗服务效率。关于信息技术与电子健康档案(EHR)如何为提高医院的底线业绩提供管理机制,从而获得竞争优势的理论驱动的研究非常少。
Warren Buffett asserted that the greatest issue confronting American business and the economy is rising health-care costs, which have risen to 17% of gross domestic product. Public policymakers, health-care providers and other stakeholders grapple with cost-containment and increased health-care delivery efficiencies. There exists a paucity of theory-driven research addressing how information technology vis-à-vis electronic health records (EHR) may supply a managerial mechanism for increasing bottom-line hospital performance, thereby attaining competitive advantage.
A systematic interdisciplinary literature review motivated by resource advantage theory (RAT) offers a conceptual foundation for analyzing the financial, informational and physical workflows that are core elements of supply chain management in a hospital.
RAT links how EHR impacts profitability, competitive advantage and macromarketing factors in hospital supply chains. The literature review provides a research synthesis of the implementation and adoption of EHR to reveal its impact on a hospital’s competitive advantage. Although legislative initiatives like the 2009 Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act and the Affordable Care Act encourage EHR adoption, there remains a reluctance for hospitals to do so.
The extant literature precedes the relevant legislation, has incomplete data or focuses solely on patient outcomes.
Electronic health record (EHR);Resource advantage theory;Hospital financial performance;Health-care policy
● 中国社会科学出版社,2022年6月
● 近年来我国经济社会数字化转型全面推进,信用信息监管和共享体系建设日益完备,涉外企业遭遇纠纷诉讼的风险与日俱增,电子文件的可信性和证据效力认证问题成为组织机构普遍关注的话题。然而国内文件管理界和法律界间鲜有互动,机构文件管理对电子取证的支撑作用也十分有限。与此同时,机构文件管理在北美电子取证领域广受关注,市场规模高达近百亿美元。本书以经典扎根理论方法为指导,对这一反差现象进行探索性研究,从电子文件管理和电子取证两方面剖析造成该现象的影响要素,指出机构电子文件管理的作用在民事诉讼电子证据规则中是否得到认可是造成该现象的直接原因,并据此对文件管理界和法律界的互动支撑和互促发展提出建议。
● 中国文史出版社,2022年2月
● 为进一步规范档案专业人员培训工作,提高档案专业人员培训质量,国家档案局组织编写制作了《档案专业人员培训多媒体教材》(以下简称《教材》)。《教材》以党和国家有关档案工作的政策、法律法规规章以及档案工作的有关标准、规范为依据,将档案管理基本原则和技术要求有机结合,充分体现科学严谨、指导规范、立足实际、面向一线。该教材对国家标准GB/T18894-2016进行逐章逐条解读,说明其背景、含义和运用方法,方便各类组织机构人员根据工作需要参照学习,规范开展电子文件归档与电子档案管理工作。本书是《教材》系列之一。
● 中国社会科学出版社,2022年2月
● 云数字档案馆的建设和应用已经成为现代档案管理的新趋势,其中安全问题不容忽视。本书基于信息化系统治理思维、风险管理理论和档案学基础理论,分析了云数字档案馆安全风险的产生、识别、评估和控制的规律,探讨了云数字档案馆风险评估的理论与方法,从组织保障、档案业务管理、信息服务、技术实现四个维度,构建了云数字档案馆的风险评估指标体系、风险评估模型,提出了风险判定标准、风险评估规范和风险防范机制,有助于云数字档案馆的风险防范和运行管控,丰富了数字档案档案馆建设的理论和方法。
● 会议地点:阿联酋·阿布扎比
● 会议及征稿主题、专题、各项议题:
Emerging Technologies: Electronic Records, Electronic Solutions
· 人工智能与机器学习
· 大数据、数据保存与公共利益
· 元宇宙的含义
· 开源技术与软件
· 自动鉴定
· 技术与技术变革管理
· 数字保存
· 数字人文及其他前沿领域
· 协同互联数字化
● 会议地点:英国牛津大学(线上+线下)
● 会议地点:
会议及征稿主题:ICIM 2023由威斯敏斯特大学和西南交通大学联合主办,旨在展示和发表与信息管理主题相关的最新科研成果,并提供一个国际交流平台。
· 信息管理和系统
· 信息系统和技术
· 电子商务工程和管理
· 营销情报与数字营销
· 绿色营销与可持续业务
· 人力资源