国际档案理事会副主席Meg Phillips(梅格·菲利普斯)基于美国本地和国际“双视野”在会议上分享了自己关于“数字世界中的档案连接”的看法,并对ICA的结构、宗旨以及在数字档案方面做出的贡献进行了介绍。首先,Meg解读了“档案连接”的双重含义,强调所有档案馆员和文件管理者之间、数字世界中全球各国档案工作之间是紧密相连的。其次,Meg立足“保存过去记录”“保护私密数据”的恒久期望,思考数字世界为档案工作带来的新工具新技术,描绘了对未来数字档案世界的愿景。最后,Meg分享了ICA的机构历史、组织层级与现实意义,指出ICA为“数字世界的档案连接”提供了全球性的平台,并呼吁中国更多学者、工作人员加入其中,共同面对数字世界中档案工作面临的挑战与机遇,在相互学习与鼓励中实现对未来数字档案的愿景。
“Archival Connections in a Digital World”
Meg Phillips
ICA Vice President –Programme
马林青 译
I am speaking to you today as the ICA’s Vice President Programme, the elected officer responsible for the professional activities of the International Council on Archives. I am also the External Affairs Liaison for the United States National Archives and Records Administration, so I have a local perspective from the United States as well as the international perspective. In my remarks today, the opinions I express are my own and not necessarily those of the US National Archives.
I regret that I am not able to join you in person. I would have enjoyed speaking with you and hearing all the insights that you will be sharing, and I hope that I will have an opportunity to visit you in person soon.
Although I am not able to deliver the keynote speech I hoped to deliver in person, I would like to bring you a few words about Archival Connections in a Digital World.
The meaning of Archival connections is double. First, there are the connections among all of us as archivists and records managers, who gather together to exchange ideas and support and encourage each other to continue needed research and improve the level of practice for everyone. You are doing this today, and I know how valuable it is to gather together in person again. The International Council on Archives or ICA provides a global forum for fostering these archival connections, and I will return to the activities of the ICA in a moment.
The other meaning of Archival connections is from the commonality of our work. The challenges and opportunities of archivists in the digital world are similar the world over, making the value of our archival connections at the local, national, and international level all the more vital now.
As archivists, it is important for us to use our gatherings to refresh our minds and reinspire us to focus on the reasons we do what we do. For me, this also means clarifying our vision of what we want the future digital world of archives to look like. That way, we can periodically check our progress to make sure that we are moving in the direction we want to go. Archival goals and the archival vision have not changed their essence: we still want to preserve the records of the past to inform and protect the future, making authentic and reliable records and data easily findable and usable by the people who will need it in the future. We also want to protect the data that needs to be private, and we want to make sure that all people can find records that are meaningful to their histories in the archives. Archives should be relevant to everyone, because the past is relevant to everyone.
In the digital world, what could this look like? To make digital archives and data easily findable, what new tools could be applied, what new search interfaces might we develop, what integration with the digital environments where people are already spending their time? Will traditional archival metadata remain a key tool for findability, or will artificial intelligence and machine learning allow researchers to follow new paths through archival collections following paths that we humans might not have even known were there? Even in this case, we may still rely on traditional metadata to provide necessary archival context and proof of authenticity to those who need it. Again, we need to imagine the world we want to build!
We can paint a picture of an ideal future world where researchers can choose to explore today’s social media posts either in a display environment that looks the way contemporary users saw it OR in a way that’s more intuitive and natural to those users, hundreds of years from now.
Similar visions can be articulated about how records and data should be captured and managed from their creation to flow seamlessly into the archives – or be retained for a defined length of time, if they do not have historical value.
Once we have those visions, we can use our archival connections to see where in the world valuable progress is being made. We can learn from the leaders and share our own research. We can also identify gaps in the research – the areas where we may need to start new research projects in order to build the digital future we archivists hope to achieve.
一旦我们有了这些愿景,我们可以利用档案连接来查看哪里正在取得宝贵的进展。我们可以从领军人物那里学习,并分享我们自己的研究。我们还可以识别研究中的空白领域 – 也就是为了建设档案馆员希望达到的数字未来,我们可能需要启动新的研究项目的领域。
We will also notice that the digital transformation of records and archives is not a separate track of archival development from all of our other archival concerns. It is the way we currently achieve the same things that archivists have always wanted to do.
With that in mind, let me say a few words about the International Council on Archives and its current work in digital archives.
This year, 2023 is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the ICA. It was founded in 1948 by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO, in response to an advocacy campaign by national archivists and professional associations in the chaos following World War II. The reasons for its creation explained in articles at the time were not just the archival connections and professional exchanges you are enjoying at the forum today. The argument was deeper and more specific to our work. The history of the world is so interrelated, and the archives of one country are so deeply related to the archives of other countries, that only if we work together across national boundaries can archivists create a truly complete archival record. A loss of one countries’ records is a loss to humanity’s history. In the future each country can fully understand its own history only with the context provided by other countries’ archives.
In addition to professional development, this is another reason for strengthening archival connections. We all benefit from strong archives in all parts of the world.
After 75 years of development, the International Council on Archives has become one of the best ways to meet the archivists and learn about the archives that hold related parts of our own histories. And of course we can get together to talk about the tools and technologies that can help us all keep better archives.
The ICA has several levels of organization, so those who want to get involved can always find a home. Any archives and any archivist is welcome to join ICA, either as an institution or an individual. ICA has regional branches, including EASTICA for China. ICA also has sections defined by professional interest, which any ICA member can join. We have sections for university archives, for local government archives, for architectural archives, for business archives, and for archival education and training, among others. There are also a number of expert groups, organized to provide advice and guidance in areas such as archival description, shared archival heritage – also known as migrated or contested archives, archival buildings, and emergency management and disaster preparedness. In my role as Vice President Programme, I have started public calls for interest in participating in the expert groups, and also for self-nominations to run for seats on the ICA’s Programme Commission, the governance board that I chair.
Although ICA has been lucky enough to have representatives of the National Archives Administration of China on the Programme Commission and of the iSchool of Renmin University on the Planning committee for the ICA 2023 Congress in ABu Dhabi, we would welcome more participation from China across all our sections and expert groups. I hope you will consider joining and contributing your expertise!
In addition to the regional branches and subject-based sections, the ICA executive board just approved the creation of a new ICA working group on archives, climate change, and sustainability that welcomes the participation of anyone interested in contributing or learning. The participation of Chinese members would be especially welcome. The work of that group will be important to the theme of your event today, as well: it is becoming increasingly obvious that archivists need to confront the relationship between digital recordkeeping and sustainability. As with so many other archival domains, the digital will not stay in its lane – it affects and is affected by – the issues most essential to the preservation of the archival record.
除了区域分支和基于主题的部门之外,ICA执行委员会刚刚批准了一个关于档案、气候变化和可持续性的新ICA工作小组的创建,欢迎任何有兴趣贡献或学习的人参与。我们特别欢迎中国成员的参与。这个小组的工作对于今天活动的主题也很重要:越来越明显的是,档案馆员需要正视数字化文件保存与可持续性之间的关系。就像许多其他档案领域一样,数字化不会局限在其领域内 – 它受到并影响着 – 与档案文件保存最为关键的问题。
Now that you know a bit about ICA’s structure, I want to shift to the digital archives themes that have emerged as necessary conversations for the international archival community in 2023. These themes shaped the ICA Congress this month in Abu Dhabi. The Congress took place On October 9-13, ending just a few days ago (although I am recording tis greeting a few days before it starts.)
The overall theme for this month’s ICA Congress is Enriching Knowledge Societies, with sessions organized in five subthemes. The subthemes that generated the most interest were Access and Memories, and Emerging Technologies: Electronic Records, Electronic Solutions.
Other interesting themes were Trust and Evidence and Sustainable Knowledge, Sustainable Planet: Archives, Records and Climate Change
ICA provides a global professional common, and you’ll see that these issues that I’m addressing today with you are also at the front of our colleagues’ minds all over the world. And the funny thing that becomes clear once you start unpacking these – or indeed once you start reviewing the proposals submitted for these themes, you realize how permeable the boundaries between the topic are – because emerging technologies are related to memories, and evidence, and peaceful coexistence in sustainable communities.
ICA gives us a place to discuss how electronic records -especially in government – can support trust and provide reliable evidence? How do archives and records managers sustain trust in digital records in an era when AI makes faking video easy for ordinary people? And how do we use emerging technologies to advance justice and reconciliation when commercially available AI tools were trained on data sets that encode generations of biased actions by humans?
How do we reconcile the demands of the digital world for electronic records while maintaining environmental sustainability? Must we use more and more energy for digital preservation, and what will happen to our digital archives when the electricity goes down? What will happen to community memory and access to the cultural record when climate change threatens our repositories?
As we take on the challenge of managing digital records and preserving digital archives, we are inevitably confronted with the volume of digital material our organizations are creating. In order to envision a future in which a small number of archivists can keep up with this volume, archivists have been looking hopefully to artificial intelligence. AI, machine learning and related technologies, show promise in assisting archivists in appraising, processing, and describing large digital collections.
The ICA is helping the global archives profession share information about the promises and the risks of AI for archives in virtual workshops on AI for appraisal, a webinar on emerging technologies including AI during International Archives Week last June, and also the Congress theme on emerging technologies. Throughout these conversations, a central focus has been on the intersection of AI and archival ethics. Particularly because of the biased decisions, racist and sexist language, and unequal representation in the written record up to this point, AI tools have had lots of opportunities to learn from flawed human decisions. Off the shelf, commercial AI tools may be able to sort through large quantities of digital information, but they may not be able to help us achieve our true goals.
There are promising approaches to managing the volume of electronic records using totally different approaches, too, but these involve a different sort of archival connection: archivists are developing partnerships with their colleagues in IT and software development to ensure that new software creates records that can be managed and archived automatically. Our colleagues in the National archives of the Netherlands call this Archiving by Design, and for the future, this sort of approach could significantly cut the flow of uncategorized, unprocessed records into the archives. My home institution NARA has developed a set of Universal Records Management Requirements, available on our website, that government agencies can use when acquiring new IT systems, or that we encourage vendors to incorporate if they want government to use their software.
The ICA Congress in Abu Dhabi – and even the next generation of strategic thinking in ICA – may not answer all of those questions, but in the ICA we will wrestle with them together, ensuring that we archivists build the digital transformation we want, that fulfills our vision for the digital archives of the future. Archivists will not be passive, swept along with new technologies that may not have archival goals in mind.
As archivists, it is our role to take the long view, and to ensure that records and archives play a positive role in our communities, and in digital transformation. ICA exists – and has existed for 75 years now, to help archivists all over the world work together on our common projects. Your forum today is another example pf this vital collaboration, learning from each other and encouraging each other as we make new archival connections in a digital world.
Thank you for inviting me to talk to you today. Have a wonderful event!